Economics + Tax Policy

Economics: A User’s Guide (Part 2)
Russell David "Russ" Roberts (born 1954) is an American-born Israeli economist. He is currently a research fellow at Stanford University's...

Economics: A User’s Guide (Part 1)
Ha-Joon Chang was born in Seoul, South Korea, on 7 October, 1963 (there are stories about what life was like...

What Warren Buffett can Teach us about Capitalism
While Milton Friedman preaches the gospel of the free market and free trade, he ignores anything that interferes with the...

The Myth of Free Collective Bargaining
As of 2021, approximately 74.1% of Canada's union members work in the public sector. This is significantly higher than the...

How Economics Became Ideology
The late Milton Friedman is arguably the high priest of ‘libertarian economics’ – which is also called ‘neo-liberal economics’ -...

Forget the One Percent
According to Oxford University’s OUR WORLD IN DATA, there's significantly greater income inequality in the US than in all the...